Sunday 15 January 2012


Last week Bethany and I spent some time at the National Cadet & Calvinette Camp 2012, at Forest Lakes, Otaki, in the North Island of New Zealand.

Just before camp, before we left, I was given a Swivel. A swivel is a digital camera. It has a lot of very cool features on it. You can edit your photos and videos on the camera, or even before you've taken them!

The videos are silent, and not the best quality, but they're okay.

Camp was real fun overall
 (apart from spraining my ankle & a little homesickness, it was fine - really)

I can NOT wait to go to the next one in 2015 in Christchurch!

1 comment:

  1. Are ya gonna go to Family Camp this year?
    We can have just as much fun, Em's. With -of course- Bethany, you, Anna and me!
